Park Ridge, IL - Spring and Fall Yard Cleanup Services

Park Ridge, IL 60068 Spring and Fall Yard Cleanup Services

Welcome to Evo Lawn & Landscape – Your Trusted Partner for Seasonal Yard Cleanup In Park Ridge, IL

As the leading landscape service provider in Park Ridge, Illinois, Evo Lawn & Landscape is here to rejuvenate your yard as we usher in the spring and bid farewell to the fall. Our comprehensive spring and fall cleanup services ensure your outdoor space remains vibrant, well-maintained, and ready to embrace the changing seasons with vitality and lush greenery.

Spring Cleanup Services In Park Ridge, IL

As the snow melts and new growth begins, it's time to revitalize your Park Ridge yard with our spring cleanup services.

Our service include:

  • Leaf and Debris Removal: From lawns, gardens, and flower beds to facilitate fresh growth.

  • Dethatching the Lawn: Removes thatch build up, encouraging healthy root systems and vibrant lawns.

  • Pruning and Shaping Shrubs and Bushes: To foster growth and maintain a pleasing appearance.

  • Mulch & Flower Bed Edging: Creating a neat and tidy delineation between lawns and beds.

  • Garden Bed Cleanup: Including removal of winter damage and preparation for spring planting.

  • Pre-Emergent Fertilizer Application: To promote healthy and vibrant grass growth throughout the season.

Fall Cleanup Services In Park Ridge, IL

As leaves start to turn and fall, prepare your yard to weather the winter months with our expert fall cleanup services. Our detailed service package covers everything needed to protect and nurture your green spaces, including:

  • Raking and Removing Leaves: From lawns and gardens to ensure a tidy appearance and prevent fungal diseases.

  • Pruning Shrubs and Trees: To maintain healthy growth and a neat appearance.

  • Cutting Back Perennials and Annuals: To the ground, setting the stage for a fruitful spring.

  • Removing Dead or Diseased Plants: To prevent the spread of disease and pests.

  • Clearing Debris: From gardens, patios, and decks to create a clean and inviting outdoor space.

  • Final Mow of the Season: Ensuring your lawn is at the ideal height for winter.

Add-On Services:

  • Lawn Aeration: Promote root growth and improve water infiltration.

  • Winter Mulch or Compost Application: Protect your plants from winter weather and enrich the soil.

  • Garden and Flower Bed Preparation: Including compost application, fertilization, and mulch covering for a healthy start in spring.

Contact Us

To learn more about our spring and fall cleanup services, and to schedule your service in Park Ridge, Illinois reach out to us at 224-777-0061 or

Evo Lawn & Landscape – Your local partner in achieving a picture-perfect yard, season after season.