Lawn Mowing Tips For Fall In Northbrook, IL

Lawn Mowing Tips For Fall In Northbrook, IL

Fall Weekly Mowing Service | Evo Lawn & Landscape

As autumn graces Northbrook with cooler temperatures and a palette of vibrant foliage, it's tempting to ease up on lawn care. However, fall is a pivotal season for setting the stage for a lush, healthy lawn next spring. Proper mowing practices during this time can make all the difference. Here are some expert tips to keep your lawn in top shape as we head into winter.

1. Continue Mowing Regularly

Even though grass growth slows down in cooler weather, it's important to keep mowing as long as your grass is growing. Regular mowing prevents the grass from becoming too long, which can lead to matting under snow and increase the risk of diseases like snow mold.

2. Gradually Lower Mowing Height

  • Early Fall: Maintain your usual mowing height of about 2.5 to 3 inches. This height promotes deep root growth and shades the soil, reducing weed germination.

  • Late Fall: Gradually reduce the mowing height to about 2 inches for the final few cuts. Shorter grass helps prevent disease and allows more sunlight to reach the crown of the grass blades.

3. Keep Mower Blades Sharp

Sharp blades ensure clean cuts, reducing stress on the grass plants and minimizing the risk of fungal infections. Dull blades tear the grass, leaving ragged edges that can turn brown and invite disease.

4. Mow When the Grass is Dry

Wet grass can clog your mower and lead to uneven cutting. Mowing dry grass results in a cleaner cut and helps disperse clippings evenly, which is beneficial for mulching.

5. Mulch Grass Clippings

Using a mulching mower recycles nutrients back into your lawn. Mulched clippings decompose quickly, providing a natural fertilizer that enhances soil health.

6. Follow the One-Third Rule

Never cut more than one-third of the grass blade's length in a single mowing session. Removing too much at once can shock the plant, hindering its ability to photosynthesize and store energy for winter.

7. Manage Leaves Effectively

While a light layer of mulched leaves can enrich your soil, a heavy accumulation can smother your grass. Regularly mulch or rake leaves to prevent fungal diseases and ensure your lawn gets adequate sunlight and air circulation.

8. Vary Your Mowing Pattern

Changing your mowing direction each time prevents soil compaction and encourages upright growth. This practice helps the grass grow more evenly and reduces the development of ruts.

9. Watch for Weed Growth

Fall is an ideal time to spot and address weeds. Regular mowing can help control weeds by preventing them from seeding. Consider applying a fall herbicide for persistent broadleaf weeds.

10. Prepare Your Mower for Storage

After your final mow, clean your mower thoroughly. Remove any grass clippings and debris, sharpen the blades, and consider servicing the engine. Proper maintenance ensures your equipment is ready for the next season.


By adhering to these fall mowing tips, you're investing in the long-term health of your lawn. Consistent care now will pay off with a greener, more resilient lawn come spring. Northbrook's unique climate offers the perfect opportunity to fine-tune your lawn care routine for optimal results.

Weekly Lawn Mowing Service Near Me

Evo Lawn & Landscape offers weekly lawn mowing service near me in Northbrook, Illinois. Contact us today for a free estimate at 224-777-0061.


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