How To Protect Your Trees and Shrubs During Winter In Des Plaines

How To Protect Your Trees and Shrubs During Winter In Des Plaines

Winter in Des Plaines, IL, can be a beautiful sight, but it can also be harsh on your trees and shrubs. As the temperature drops and snow piles up, your plants face challenges like freezing temperatures, windburn, and damage from heavy snow. So, how can you keep your landscape thriving and ready to flourish once spring rolls around? Let me share some tips on how to protect your trees and shrubs during our chilly Des Plaines winters.

1. Mulch: Your Plant’s Winter Blanket

One of the easiest and most effective ways to protect your trees and shrubs is by applying a thick layer of mulch around the base. Mulch acts as insulation, keeping the soil warmer and maintaining moisture levels. In Des Plaines, where temperatures can dip pretty low, 2 to 4 inches of mulch will help your plants survive those freezing nights. Just be sure not to pile it directly against the trunk, as this could lead to rot.

2. Watering Before Winter Hits

It might sound counterintuitive to water your plants when it’s cold, but giving them a good drink before the ground freezes is crucial. Trees and shrubs still need water during the winter months, especially the evergreens that lose moisture through their needles. Be sure to water deeply in the late fall, making sure the roots are well-hydrated before they settle in for winter. However, avoid watering when the soil is already frozen.

3. Wrap Them Up!

Des Plaines can get windy, and those gusts can damage tender branches or cause “windburn” on evergreens. A great way to protect your trees and shrubs is by wrapping them in burlap. This simple trick shields them from harsh winds and prevents ice buildup. For younger trees, you can also wrap the trunks to prevent sunscald—those cracks that appear when the warm daytime sun is followed by freezing nighttime temps.

4. Pruning Wisely

A little pruning can go a long way before winter sets in. Remove any dead, damaged, or weak branches that could break under the weight of snow and ice. For shrubs, especially evergreens, light pruning in the fall can help shape them and reduce the risk of damage. But be careful not to over-prune! Too much trimming could stress the plant, making it more vulnerable during the cold months.

Prepare Your Landscape for Winter with Expert Mulch Installation!

As winter approaches, now is the perfect time to protect your trees and shrubs with a fresh layer of mulch. At Evo Lawn & Landscape, we specialize in professional mulch installation to help insulate your plants and maintain moisture during the cold months. Don’t wait until it’s too late – give your landscape the care it needs to survive the Des Plaines winter!

Contact us today for a free mulch installation estimate and ensure your yard is ready to thrive all winter long. Call us at 224-777-0061 or visit our website at to schedule your service.

5. Protecting Against Salt Damage

We all know that winter in Des Plaines means plenty of road salt to combat icy streets. While great for keeping your driveway safe, it can be harmful to your landscape. Salt can leach into the soil, damaging the roots of nearby trees and shrubs. To protect them, you can build small barriers using burlap or wood stakes around your plants to keep salt spray away. Additionally, try to use a more plant-friendly de-icing option, such as sand or calcium magnesium acetate.

6. Snow Management for Your Shrubs

It’s tempting to let the snow accumulate on your shrubs because, hey, it looks picturesque, right? However, the weight of heavy snow can cause branches to bend or even snap. Gently brush off excess snow with a broom to prevent damage, but avoid shaking the branches too aggressively. Ice is another story—if your trees or shrubs become coated in ice, resist the urge to break it off as this can do more harm than good.

7. Install Windbreaks

If your yard is particularly exposed to harsh winter winds, installing a temporary windbreak can make a big difference. You can set up a simple barrier of burlap or plastic around vulnerable trees and shrubs to reduce wind damage. This is especially helpful for younger trees and shrubs that haven’t fully established themselves yet.

8. Protecting Young Trees with Tree Guards

Protecting Young Trees with Tree Guards - Evo Lawn & Landscape

Plastic Tree Guards

Young trees are especially vulnerable during the winter. Rodents, rabbits, and even deer can cause significant damage by nibbling on the bark. To prevent this, consider wrapping the trunks of young trees with plastic tree guards. These will keep the critters at bay and protect the tender bark from cracking due to freezing and thawing.

Final Thoughts

Winter in Des Plaines doesn’t have to be a death sentence for your trees and shrubs. With a little preparation and care, your landscape can come through the season ready to bloom in the spring. Whether it’s mulching, wrapping, or trimming, taking these steps now will save you a lot of heartache (and money) when winter finally loosens its icy grip.

If you’d rather leave the heavy lifting to the pros, Evo Lawn & Landscape is here to help! We’ve been serving the Des Plaines area for years, and we know exactly how to protect your trees and shrubs from the challenges of winter. Contact us today to schedule your winter landscape protection and let’s keep your yard thriving all year round.


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